Friday, November 21, 2014

What "ticks you off"?

Make a list of four or five things that "tick you off." Explain why. (Choose significant things that others might experience as well. For instance, your little brother might tick you off, but there is little chance that this annoyance will yield a possible paper topic). It is possible that one of these annoyances can be transformed into an interesting, engaging, and researchable project.

1. When peoples clothes don't match. (it doesn't look right)
2. When people ask me the same question numerous times/repeats themselves. (I already heard you)
3. When all my clothes are on the floor and not folded or organized. (I get anxiety when everything isn't in the proper place)
4. When my phone dies. (I have no form of communication)
5. When people try to make every conversation about themselves. (I don't really care)
6. When people lie to me. (Its so easy to tell the truth, why lie?)
7. When I get blamed for something I didn't do. (It clearly wasn't me)
8. When teachers yell at me when the entire class is doing the same thing. (Why am I the only one getting yelled at)
9. When people show favoritism. (I hate teacher pets, or people that show off)
10. When people ask for advice, and then don't use it. (Why ask if you weren't going to consider it)
11. When people answer their own questions. (Why ask then)
12. When bae doesn't text back. (Feel so unwanted)
13. When someone leaves me on read. (Feel like they are mad at me, just answer)
14. When I'm having a deep conversation and someone changes the topic. (Lets finish this conversation, and then we can talk about something else.
15. When my brother wears my clothes. (They are mine, not yours)
16. When someone looks through my belongings/text messages/photos.
17. When my hair is in my face.
18. When my jeans don't fit.
19. When someone eats my food without asking.
20. When I lose my earring backs.
21. When people are late.
22. When people make promises and don't follow through with them.
23. When people think they know everything.
24. When someone talks down to me.
25. When people show off their materialistic items all the time.
26. When i try really hard on something and its not appreciated.
27. When people are obnoxious.
28. When my wifi doesn't work.
29. When there is nothing good on television.
30. When you see 10 year olds in the mall.
31. When people try to control me or my actions.
32. When people are oblivious to whats going on.
33. When people pretend to be something to get people to like them.
34. Pandora commercials.
35. When shampoo or soup goes in my eye.
36. When people try too hard.
37. When people chew really loud.

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