Monday, December 8, 2014

Make a final decision about your logical argument research topic. What is it? Questions to ask yourself:

What have we been studying in class this year?
This year in College Research Skills we have learned numerous things. Some examples are how to research, how to navigate websites new to us, how to use all different websites to find the information you need, etc.

 Which subjects appeal to me? The research topics of Depression and Divorce appeal to me the most.

 What are people writing about? People are writing about all different topics. It varies from Abortion to Same-Sex-Marriage.

 What's most interesting to me? The topic that I am personally most interested in is Divorce, mostly because I have had to experience it myself at a young age.

 Can I find information about that? Yes, I can find a lot of information about the topics that I am interested in. Through all different search engines (bing, google, ask, about)

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Critical Thinking and Analysis for each Topic - Alcoholism, Child Labor, Depression, Divorce, and Same-Sex Marriage.

Alcoholism - 
  1. Should alcoholism be viewed as a disease or an addiction? Explain. Alcoholism should be viewed as an addiction because its something you decide to do, and you can control when you want to stop drinking.
  2. Should alcoholics be held solely responsible for their drinking habits? Why or why not? They should take responsibility of their actions but they shouldn't be judged for it. Everyone has problems and addictions, it doesn't make them any different than anyone else.
  3. Should moderation treatment options be offered to alcoholics? Yes, all types of treatment should be offered.

Child Labor - 
  1. Should there be international child labor laws that can be enforced in all countries? Yes there should be international child labor laws that can enforced in all countries because these children shouldn't be treated with no respect. They deserve to choose how to live their lives.
  2. Is child labor justifiable when the income gained is used to sustain the family? No because it is not the child's duty to sustain the family, its the parents. Theres an exception if they child doesn't have parents.
  3. Are current U.S. labor laws too strict in regards to child labor? No, i actually think that the laws are enforced perfectly because in the U.S. you have to be 14 in order to qualify for your working papers.
  4. Why is child labor regarded as a social evil? Child Labor is regarded as a social evil because it is the little kids that are at risk and in danger in harming their own lives forever.
  Depression - 
  1. Do the facts seem to support the claim that some antidepressants cause an increased rate of suicide in young people? The facts seem to support the claim that antidepressants cause an increased rate of suicide in young people because 
  2. Do the potential risks of antidepressants outweigh the potential benefits? Yes, because you can always overcome the risks, and you shouldn't take any chances by not taking the medicine. People can become addicted to the medicine but it will benefit their health in the long run(future).
  3. If you were a physician and chose to not use prescription antidepressant drug therapy to treat clinical depression in a young person, what alternative treatments would you choose? I would try to help get the individuals enrolled in a rehab/therapy center, that will eventually benefit the people and make them healthy again. Everyone deserves to be healthy and clean and shouldn't be depressed, they should be able to act like everyone else.

Divorce - 
  1. Should couples stay together in a troubled marriage rather than divorce? Why or why not? In my opinion, i think that any problem in a relationship can be resolved, and shouldn't be resolved in a divorce. Every couple has disagreements. Theres a reason they fell in love and got married in the first place so i don't think that they should give up on the relationship and get a divorce.
  2. Are there any reasons why couples should divorce? Explain. I don't believe in divorce, so i don't think there should be a reason for a divorce. They married for a reason so through every fight they should be able to find what they fell in love with from the beginning.
  3. What steps do you think the government should take to encourage marriage and lower the divorce rate? I think they should put certain restrictions on the ability to go through with a divorce and not make it so easy to achieve. 
  4. What impact does divorce have on society? It doesn't have an impact on society as a whole, it only has a impact on the family involved. The family becomes broken and torn apart because of a divorce.

Same-Sex Marriage - 
  1. Does same-sex marriage pose a threat to society or to heterosexuals? I do not think that same-sex-marriage poses a threat to society or heterosexuals because everyone should be capable of getting married to the person they love and shouldn't allow anyone intimidate them or their relationship.
  2. If gay members of society aren’t allowed to marry can they be considered equal citizens with their heterosexual counterparts? No, because of there being restrictions on gays being allowed to marry, they already are discriminating against them and not allowing them to be equal to all the other citizens.
  3. Is there an ethical basis for opposing same-sex marriage? Yes, there is an ethical basis for same-sex-marriage. Some people support it and some are against it. Some think it doesn't matter who you love and some think its against god or the bible.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Prewriting Question: What cases can be made for or against......?

Alcoholism - Do you think Alcoholism is causes by a lack of willpower? I think so, because so many people have addictions that they don't have the power to stop. When you are trying to quit something you "like", you have to gain the "willpower." Willpower is something a person decides on and initiates action, you have want to stop and people decide not too. So many people stick with their addiction because its what they like to do, even if it is affecting everyone around them.

Child Labor - Should there be exceptions for Child Labor laws? There should be no exceptions for child labor because it is the torturing of children. The children have their whole life ahead of them and they have to carry this experience around with them for their entire lives. They don't deserve this, they are innocent, and shouldn't be forced to perform actions they aren't capable of.

Depression - Should antidepressant drugs be prescribed for children suffering from depression? I think antidepressant drugs should only be prescribed to a select few of individuals. They should be old enough to handle the medicine, and have control over themselves to not get addicted to the drug. Depression in my eyes can be resolved without drugs, you just have to think positive and want to get healthy again. People suffering with this problem have to learn how to handle on their own, and be proud of the achievement of overcoming their depression.

Divorce - Should laws be enacted that make divorce harder to obtain? Honestly, coming from a divorced family i think that there should be therapy offered to the couple that wishes to get a divorce. The kids of the family should never have to deal with a broken family. It hits the kids really hard, and makes them think its their fault. I think there should just be other options given to the couple and not let them rush into a divorce. I don't think laws are needed but it could help in a couple ways.

Same Sex Marriage - Should same-sex marriage be allowed? I have a 20 year-old brother named Patrick that happens to be gay, and not only for him but for all the people that are attracted to the same sex should be able to marry the person they love. They shouldn't be discriminated against what they are attracted to. So yes, without a doubt same sex marriage should be permitted.

Potential Research Topics

Choose five topics that you think are potential research topics for your paper and briefly (in 2 to 5 sentences) explain why these topics are of interest to you.

1) Alcoholism - This topic interests me because i can research all different types and reasons why certain individuals turn to alcohol. I want to know if people think there is a cure by drinking and what type of happiness it brings them. Why are most people that drink excessively not alcohol dependent?

2) Child Labor - This topic interests me because little innocent children should not be punished. These young children shouldn't have to experience something so horrifying at such a young age. They are forced to perform actions that they would never even think of pursuing. I want to inform people on this issue and attempt to help it stop.

3) Depression (mental depression) - This topic interests me because many people go through many hardships and identify themselves as depressed.  You never know what people have been through and i would like to gain knowledge on different experiences that caused  people to be depressed. I know a handful of people that went through depression and is an ongoing issue and i want to be able to inform others on this problem.

4) Divorce - This topic interests me because i come from a divorced family. Divorce has a great toll on the children because you feel very confused and think of all the reason this might have occurred. I want to share my experience of growing up in a broken household with others and explain how hard it was to get used to having one parent in your house and having to deal with only one support system, rather than two.

5) Same Sex Marriage - This topic interests me because my brother Patrick happens to be gay. I want not only him but all the people out there to be able to marry whoever they want. We all have that one person that makes us extremely happy, no matter what sex the individual happens to be and i feel that they should not be discriminated against. They should be able to be happy and marry the one they love so deeply.

Friday, November 21, 2014

What "ticks you off"?

Make a list of four or five things that "tick you off." Explain why. (Choose significant things that others might experience as well. For instance, your little brother might tick you off, but there is little chance that this annoyance will yield a possible paper topic). It is possible that one of these annoyances can be transformed into an interesting, engaging, and researchable project.

1. When peoples clothes don't match. (it doesn't look right)
2. When people ask me the same question numerous times/repeats themselves. (I already heard you)
3. When all my clothes are on the floor and not folded or organized. (I get anxiety when everything isn't in the proper place)
4. When my phone dies. (I have no form of communication)
5. When people try to make every conversation about themselves. (I don't really care)
6. When people lie to me. (Its so easy to tell the truth, why lie?)
7. When I get blamed for something I didn't do. (It clearly wasn't me)
8. When teachers yell at me when the entire class is doing the same thing. (Why am I the only one getting yelled at)
9. When people show favoritism. (I hate teacher pets, or people that show off)
10. When people ask for advice, and then don't use it. (Why ask if you weren't going to consider it)
11. When people answer their own questions. (Why ask then)
12. When bae doesn't text back. (Feel so unwanted)
13. When someone leaves me on read. (Feel like they are mad at me, just answer)
14. When I'm having a deep conversation and someone changes the topic. (Lets finish this conversation, and then we can talk about something else.
15. When my brother wears my clothes. (They are mine, not yours)
16. When someone looks through my belongings/text messages/photos.
17. When my hair is in my face.
18. When my jeans don't fit.
19. When someone eats my food without asking.
20. When I lose my earring backs.
21. When people are late.
22. When people make promises and don't follow through with them.
23. When people think they know everything.
24. When someone talks down to me.
25. When people show off their materialistic items all the time.
26. When i try really hard on something and its not appreciated.
27. When people are obnoxious.
28. When my wifi doesn't work.
29. When there is nothing good on television.
30. When you see 10 year olds in the mall.
31. When people try to control me or my actions.
32. When people are oblivious to whats going on.
33. When people pretend to be something to get people to like them.
34. Pandora commercials.
35. When shampoo or soup goes in my eye.
36. When people try too hard.
37. When people chew really loud.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

1)If you believe that all students should be Web literate, what is the best strategy for your school to prepare you with this skill? Explain.

I do believe that students should be Web literate because many schools have online grade tracking websites. This gives the students the advantage to keep an eye on their grades all day, everyday to stay on track. If students are not Web literate, then they will not be able to check their homework, test grades, etc. Additionally, teachers sometimes ask for homework to be printed or handed in over the grade tracking websites and you need to be able to operate the website in order to turn in the assignments.

2) What skills should all teachers have to be Web literate? Explain

Teachers should be able to work online grading systems, keep in contact with students/parents, be able to research any question they or students have to find the answer quick and efficiently, and work online programs to enhance lessons to keep students interested/motivated everyday during class. Some parents write notes to teachers asking questions about their child's progress and the student does not give the teacher the note. Therefore, if the teacher can work the online grading system and keep in touch with parents, keep the parents informed with the grades the student has been receiving, and the parents can directly talk to the teacher without any difficulty.   

3) What role should school filtering play in your school district? Explain why schools should block or not block Web sites.

Schools should block Web sites because if teachers use the computer lab for a lesson, students will get side-tracked and go on other irrelevant websites that will distract them and make them not want to learn. Also, some students would go on inappropriate websites and if the websites are not blocked, it would cause many complaints from the families of the students.

4) Do you believe the Internet is as big a transformer of culture as the printing press? Explain.

Yes, I believe the Internet is as big as a transformer of culture as the printing press because everyone on Earth has access to the internet. The printing press and the Internet are very similar, and brings many people convenience. They both help spread messages and news through some form of text, and become very useful for others.

5) If yes, what parts of our culture do you believe will be most affected? Explain.

I believe that the Internet makes everyone computer savvy, and gain more knowledge on how to use the type of technology. People used to watch television to watch the President’s speech, now its on the internet, and people can watch it after the President has already spoken live on television. Talking on the phone has become text messages, schools created online grading systems and the movie theaters have become a thing of the past or something rare..All thanks to the Internet. 

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT #2 (Due Monday October 20th)

1. Why does the author, Nicholas Carr, feel like his mind is changing as a result of the Internet?
 Nicolas Carr expresses that he not only his feelings are changing towards the popularity of the idea of internet. He notices that he is now relying on the internet a lot more than he usually has, and the prior knowledge in his head can always be checked on the web, and he can always further the idea/knowledge he already has because of the internet. He feels that the internet could make him and the rest of society a lot more lazy. Nicholas Carr, just like the rest of us has to deal with facing distractions as he is trying to accomplish something on the internet. In todays society, it seems like completing such an easy task can turn into an hour long project.

2. How does research today compare with doing library research in the old days, twenty and more years ago? (I know you weren't around 20 years ago, but answer this based on what knowledge you have gathered about libraries in your lifetime).  Researching in a library is a lot harder, longer and more based on your own knowledge. You will need to know the genre, and other facts on the novel/book. Using the internet to find the book is a lot easier, quicker because it gives you everything you could ever imagine about that certain book.
Nicolas Carr's reading habits have changed because he now has many more options on how to get distracted if he is on the internet because there are so many other sites he could go on. However, if he was reading a hard copy of an article he wouldn't have any distraction because it would be on paper and in front of him. Years before Carr would be so much quicker at reading through articles and actively reading them, but now the internet distracts him completely.
3. How have Nicholas Carr's reading habits changed because of the Internet?
4. How is reading online different than reading a long article or book? Explain.

Reading online makes you have to focus a lot more because everyone usually gets side-tracked and doesnt end up finishing because something else comes up. Also on the internet, you can research sections of the book youre reading to further your understanding of it. A book on the other hand is very hands-on, you are basically relying on yourself and your reading comprehension skills.

5. Do you agree or disagree that our minds think like computers? Explain.

I agree that our minds do think like computers because computers are always thinking of so many things at once, and i know that my mind is always thinking of 100 things at once. 

6. Do you agree or disagree that the computer "is subsuming most of our other intellectual technologies?"

I agree because i think the computer is making society rely on the internet more than we should. We become lazy because information is easily offered and you dont really have to work hard for it.

7. Why do you think The New York Times changed its format? Do you think it was a good idea or a bad idea? Why?

I think the New York Times changed their format to look more professional and more appealing to the public eye. They made it seem more like a typewriter and added character to the writing. I think it was a very good idea because it might have made the New York Times more popular.
8. What does Nicholas Carr mean by "knowledge work?"

When Nicolas Carr mentions "knowledge work", he means that if you take your time with a project or assignment you will most likely be proud of your work or get a good grade on it because you put so much effort into it.

9. Do you agree or disagree that Google has been successful in its mission "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful?"

Yes i do agree that google has been successful in organizing the worlds information and making it more universally accessible and useful because it assists people everyday and provides them with the information they will need. Google is a very reliable source and millions of people use it everyday.

10. How does Google's mission compare with a library's mission in light of the fact that there is no fiction or nonfiction section on the Internet, but there is a fiction and a nonfiction section in a library, and that all the books are organized on the shelves in a library, but "scattered on the floor" of the Internet?

Google will always seem to be harder to find the most accurate source because all different results appear when you search one topic, but when you're looking for information in a book its all accurate because its a hard copy of writing. The internet is all over the place and a library seems to be more organized and easy to operate and work with.

11. Do you think it would be a good thing if your own brain and intelligence were "supplemented, or even replaced, by an artificial intelligence?" Why or why not?

No i do not think it would be good that my own brain and intelligence were supplemented or replaced by an artificial intelligence because our brains all work different ways and react differently. 

12. Do you think that the human brain is "just an outdated computer that needs a faster processor and a bigger hard drive?" Why or why not?

No i don't think that because i think we all have power over how much our brain is capable of in my mind. I feel like when we study we are testing our brain and teaching it new topics and information. 

13. What do you think about your own surfing habits, the links you click on and the pages you view, being an opportunity for "Google and other companies to collect information about you and to feed you advertisements?"

I think that my way of researching topics is working fine for me right now. When i research topics, i usually go on multiple sites to compare the information provided on the site and then i use the site that seems more reliable and would help me most throughout my research.

14. How do your surfing habits compare to reading a book? Do you agree or disagree that companies online, collecting data about us by what we click on and view, are using subversive tactics to discourage "leisurely reading," and "slow, concentrated thought?" Are you yourself driven to distraction while on the Web? How or how not?

My surfing habits compare to reading a book because its possible for me to get side-tracked either on the internet or reading a book. I'm always drawn to go on social networking sites, and go on my phone and do anything but my work for 20 minutes at a time, so yes i think that we all have distractions.

15. Do you agree with Socrates that the development of writing led to people using the written word as a substitute for the knowledge they carried around in their heads? Why or why not?

I dont agree that the Socrates are the reasons for development because we all learn differently and have different techniques on how we understand topics best.

16. Do you think the Internet is doing the same thing? Why or why not? How or how not?

I think the Internet is helping us learn how to research information because we have to figure out if its not a bogus site and if the information is true or false.

17. How do your own reading habits compare to what Nicholas Carr describes in this article?

My reading habits go along with what Nicholas Carr describes because we both seem to get somewhat distracted easily while researching a topic, and trying to further our knowledge. I usually become very lazy and dont want to finish the work i started.

18. So, do you think Google really is making us stupid? Why or why not? How or how not?

I don't think Google is making us stupid, in fact i believe that it is making us way smarter because it helps further our knowledge on any topic we searched. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

1) What do you consider interesting?

People write best when they write about topics they consider interesting, but to choose a relevant topic, you must know yourself. To help you understand your interests, complete the following phrases as honestly and completely as you can.

  • The subject I most enjoy reading is plays. When there is a dialogue in the novel it interests me more and keeps me focused. It shows every characters personality and how they portray themselves.

  • My favorite hobby is spending any free time I have with my family and friends.

  • If I won the lottery, I would use the money to pay for all my college fees, so i would be able to attend school out of state. I would also use some of the money to support my grandparents, and mom in any payments they struggle to pay.

  • The type of volunteer activity I prefer is helping younger kids in their studies, so they can receive a better/stronger education that will benefit them in the future.

  • My favorite school subject has always been English because I like to learn all the different types of writing and genres of books.

  • If I ran the world, the first thing I would change would be lowering the prices of tuition throughout middle school, high school, and colleges so that everyone is offered the same oppurtunity to better their education